Psychology RDA Interest Group


Aligning with RDA’s mission, the purpose of the Psychology RDA Interest Group (IG) is to raise awareness of the importance of data sharing, and to provide support with respect to the technical skills needed for FAIR data sharing within the Psychology community. This IG brings together Psychology researchers with an interest in open, transparent, and reproducible research methods and practices. The IG will link with the equivalent IGs/Working Groups in cogent disciplines (e.g., Neuroscience) and with other organisations such as the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN), the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the Software Sustainability Institute (SSI), Open Life Sciences, and The Carpentries.  This IG will facilitate the sharing of effective practice, expertise, and computational tools that support FAIR data sharing.


Jim Grange is a Reader in Cognitive Psychology at Keeele University

Scientific Domain:


Your Domain specific Engagement:

Shared perspectives and joined conversations, discussions and communication of domain specific requirements between EOSC/RDA and the specific community)

Your Promotion and Networking:

Promotion of domain specific Open Science practices/EOSC/RDA at meetings and conferences, publications and presentations


United Kingdom