Data and metadata interoperability through the incorporation of PIDs in a research infrastructure


This project will provide a concrete demonstration of the benefits of data and metadata interoperability through the incorporation of PIDs in a research infrastructure. This will be achieved by designing the ability to incorporate DataCite DOIs into the RSpace digital research platform, which includes an electronic lab notebook that is integrated with a sample management system.  This will enable the creation of an interoperability guideline document for integrating PIDs in research infrastructures, based on the design for incorporation of DataCite DOIs and IGSNs into RSpace.  The project will complement and inform the activities to be undertaken in the proposed Working with PIDs in Tools IG, of which Xiaoli Chen and Rory Macneil are co-chairs.


  • Rory Macneil is CEO of Research Space and host of the FAIR Data Podcast.
  • Xiaoli is the Implementing FAIR Workflows project lead and is responsible for the outreach effort in the APAC region while co-chairing the DataCite APAC Experts Group.

Scientific Domain:

Persistent Identifier, Interoperability, Metadata, FAIR, RDM

Your Domain specific Engagement:

Shared perspectives and joined conversations, discussions, and communication of domain-specific requirements between EOSC/RDA and the specific community

Your Promotion and Networking:

Promotion of domain specific Open Science practices/EOSC/RDA at meetings and conferences, publications and presentations.

The project's activities and outputs are featured on the RDA website.

Your Connection to RDA WG/IG or CoP:

Co-chair of the RDA Working with PIDs in Tools Interest Group

Co-chair of the Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions IG

Active participant in the GORC International Model WG

Your Outputs:

Zenodo, Publications, ORCID, Youtube...


Scotland and China